Monday, September 29, 2008

Drop dead gorgous!!

Yep, its crazy maybe even a little insane!! THIS IS MY LITTLE GIRL!! Well obviously not so little anymore. She looked so beautiful, and more importantly she felt beautiful! I got the wonderful pleasure of helping her get ready, she had an awesome friend of hers (Becka) come do her hair, and I did her make-up. It was so much fun! I am so grateful for my awesome relationship with my daughter, and that she would want my help on such an important moment in her life. I know I'm strict with her and she takes it all in stride. I just love and adore this little girl!! (that's not so little)

I was talking with a wonderful friend of mine and wondering what to do about her crephew, she normally has to be home at 10:30, but I did want to give her a little extra time so I was asking for advice and she said I would let her stay out til midnight and I of course almost had heart failure, but she told me that I had raised such an awesome young lady that I should give her a little more trust and go for midnight so I did!! And guess what she was LATE!! But she did call me and tell me that the other couple that they were going with decided that they were going to eat after the dance, and one of the boys Mom was taking them and was going to sit in the car at the restaurant so that she didn't have to drop them off and then come back! So she had a fabulous time, and cant wait for Sadie's.


TisforTonya said...

check out that hair and accessories - what a looker you've got on your hands :)

Be proud that she called - I'm still praying that mine are half that responsible when they finally get to that age. (ugh, wait... that's not far enough away!)

Sherrie said...

AHHH Loook at her!!!! You better tell her that NEXT time she better not be late............she made me look bad, I won't stick up for her!!!That stinker!!! Hey since she is gettin old how old does that make you!!?? LOL I like all the bling!!! Just like her mom..he he he.

Amy said...

She's looks A-MA-ZING!!! It still freaks me out/makes me sad that our girls are getting so old. Where'd the time go?? Thankfully we got some pretty awesome girls. Miss ya!!

Kasi said...

oh my gosh, she looks amazing!!! I am so excited for Emily's dance days!