Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Caden Allan Taylor, Born December 9Th at 9:23 a.m. weighing in at 7 pounds 12 ounces and 20 inches long. Little Caden has stolen all of our hearts. He has brought so much love into our home, and we thank Heavenly father for yet another, sweet spirit to come into our home, we hope and pray that we can make heavenly father proud, that he sent this sweetheart to us. He is like holding a little piece of heaven!! Nobody is immune to him, everyone wants to be near him, kissing him or holding and kissing!!

We love you our sweet boy!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

So Im.........

Kinda freakin out. Its really, really, really close. I know, I know, # 8 and your really going to freak, but ya, ya I am!!
Don't ya know it really really hurts, the baby part no not that part, just the birth part, it really hurts. So ya about this time, every time I kinda freak out! I keep thinking OK so what if this is the time that I cant handle it and cave in and get a epidural, what if my kids see me loose it, what if my kids loose it. Not to mention, I'm just kinda feeling crazy thinking this is it I'm done, last baby!!
What is wrong with me, I kinda just feel like screaming!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

He really does have a heart of gold!!

So picture this. wait, wait, wait. Don't picture this at all.
So its the end of a long day, my back and hips are killing me at this point. I'm getting ready to get into the bath, I'm standing in front of the mirror, yep now you can only imagine the things I'm thinking. Colton, my 4 year old walks into the bathroom, he looks at me and he says, oh mommy look, look mommy at my sweet baby Caden, oh mommy it is getting close huh, cause I can tell he is getting big. Oh mommy, I just love my baby Caden!!
So yep, I was put in my place by my sweet little 4 year old, made to really think about and ponder what is really important, so kudos to you my sweet son, and thank you!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Check em out.....

My Awesome friend Jenn with finnegan photography, took all these amazing pictures, these are a few of my favorites. But honestly I love them all and it is really hard to say if these are truly my favorites, but I love them!! So a BIG thank you to Jenn, check her out Here

Friday, November 5, 2010


Jake's first hunt, he was so stinkin excited, actually truth be told I had 2 boys that were very excited, I think Randy put life on hold for 10 days!! They didn't even see anything until the regular hunt was over! But the day after they saw alot of bucks, they came home so excited to just see them even though they didn't get any good shots, they were just happy to see some!!

They actually

didn't get a good shot until Sunday, the last day of the hunt, they said they stopped to umm, go to the bathroom.....Jake finished first, said dad, dad, I see something, Randy says ummm, OK son just a minute. Randy turned to look just as the deer picked his head up, and they both were like, wow!!

Jake got into position, got a perfect shot the first shot, clean through the neck, shot a couple more times, but the first shot is what brought him down!!

Needless to say they were a couple of very happy boys, Sunday night!!

Randy took that deer around Monday, and showed it to so many guys, so funny to me. To watch my sweet hubby go into the bank and come back out with all these ties, all come to check out the kill.

The inspector said it was one of the biggest he had seen through the whole hunt, which of course made his head all the bigger.

But we are very proud, he was a 4 point, 27 inch spread!!

The butcher said he only had one bigger.

Happy boys for another year!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So, well I guess I've got some!! Here is my official anoucment, ya I know what your thinking, well your probably thinking a couple of things at this point, and umm can I blame you...uh NO!!
Yep, its number 8, am I crazy, uh if you didnt know that well then I guess you dont know me very well!!
Was it planned, umm am I that crazy, NO!!
I know, I waited a long time to tell ya, but really was I ready to face everything, all the comments, the ridicule, the dont you know what causes that, the dont you have a T.V.!! Whatever, I am

ready do your worst!! LOL
so you probably noticed, we are getting a sweet little boy. Yep this evens us up, 4 boys 4 girls, and yes everyone is very excited!!

So yep heres the news Im prego, due December 19th with a sweet little boy!!

Monday, June 14, 2010


My sweet baby girl, Michale has graduated. Its crazy, madness I tell you. I just can hardly believe how fast it flew by. It seems that just a few years ago she was just born, or taking her first steps, or crying over a scraped knee, and know, just look at her, in the blink of an eye she grew up. Just look at her, I just cant get over it, she has just turned into this amazing young woman, and she is leaving and going away to college, thank goodness not to far away. Just SUU, but none the less away. I am very excited and very proud of her, she is truly an amazing young woman!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So after over three long years, my sweet boy has been given freedom to eat what he wants again, or in other words, no more braces!!! Whoo hooo!!! He was so excited he could not wait. Well it was definitely worth it!! His teeth look so so good!

Jake's main food groups have been star burst, skittles, mambas, popcorn, nuts, a Carmel apple, and who knows what else! Super fun Congrats my sweet boy, your teeth look great, Dr. Simister is awesome!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Why, that is my question, I search for an answer and cant seem to find one. Oh, everyone has an opinion, but I don't want an opinion, I want an answer!!!
Why when someone has so much, do they always want more, why can we not be satisfied with what we have? Why, when someone has hungered for a baby for years, and you know they would be amazing parents, why, why can they just not have that sweet little baby, or why when they finally do there are problems? Why, the woman that can get pregnant, but never carry it to term?? Why one baby and not a second??? Why send them to the home that they are going to be hurt in or abused or used? Or worse thrown away?? Why, Why? Help me understand, I know, I know, and frankly I don't want to hear, "whats meant to be" Honestly Hate that!! I know I could go much deeper, and really delve into the whys but honestly this is what I want to know right now!! Why, Why?? So my next question What happens to that little baby that you miscarried? Does it go to heaven having recieved all the bady it needed to? Does it go back and have to wait for another chance? Do we forget them, and move on do we just move on???