Sunday, August 19, 2007

Got my 16

I got up at the butt crack of dawn actually I don't even think you can call it dawn more like the flippen middle of the night!! 3:45 a.m. to be exact!! No one should get up that early, but I did and I got ready to go run, my sweet hubby went and got me water and put it in the freezer so it would be cold out there for me, so I left got over to the church to meet Sarah and I forgot my stinkin water bottles that go in my pack Ugh!! That was the pits so I turned around went home and got my water. So I get BACK over to the church we leave Sarah's car there and start driving forget to look at the milage so we guess drop water at mile 11 and 6 and drive our last 6 to where we will park and Im looking at the milage and Im like no not down the big Veyo hill that hill has just made me so nervous well guess what WE GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL AND THATS WHERE WE HAVE TO PARK!!! Our first time to run the course (part of it anyway) we have to do the biggest hill!! So besides the hill it was an awesome run. Renee met us at mile 10 she did great I need to call her to find out how her foot is!! Im getting kinda scared but also very excited I felt like I could have went further on saturday, so thats good. This week is a scale back so only 12 I think so we do 4 8 5 then 12 this week!!! Yay another big run down!!

Finished these 2 LO's for our groups on line crop Im so excited I love them I got another down last night that I need to take pic's of I will pst it later.

We stayed pretty close to home yesterday, Im hopping to go for a ride today, I didnt go to church I had a roaring headache when I woke up and baby wouldnt go back to sleep so I layed back down after I took an 800 when I woke up I was holding Colton and it was after 9:20 Randy Monica Jayden and Michale gone so, Im the looser!! My headache is almost all gone so that is good there is no way I can function when I have a migrain!!

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