Tuesday, January 20, 2009


issues stink, I am ready to through the whole thing out the window!! One problem, hhhmmmmm I don't know when I could get another but a heck of a lot of good that does me!! It doesn't work at all so I might as well through it out!! Yes, I have once again snuck onto my sweet hubbies computer!! I just cant keep an eye or 2 on my boys, which most often when they are together is 2-3!! Colton still being sick makes it worse, every little thing WWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Any way wee have went the big part off to figure out what is wrong with it, and if it is costly maybe just maybe I can to talk my hubby into a lap top, I wonder those of you that know so much about computers and all does it matter if I get one of those inexpensive ones will it bay able to handle my pictures and if I want to digital scrap book (gasp) I will show you Merissa invite when I can stinkin cute anyway I think I could do a little not ever give up paper and goodies but for this kinda thing invites, then Renee our den leader does all these way cute invites you know stuff like that!! I would love to do, so what would be my minimum requirements that I would need do you think??
Anyway Merissa's birthday was lots of fun I think she had tons of fun, she had a bowling party and man it was so easy, go everybody is dropped off you play you open presents, have a cupcake and then everyone is picked up!! Yep I think I'm hooked!!
We took her to twilight on her birthday she loved that and we went to McDonald's opened presents and she was a happy girl!!
Man I sure hate not being able to post pictures!! On the up side isn't my blog cute!!


Kasi said...

I hate computer issues. Our PC died last week. Totally fried. I am glad to see you're still alive though!!!
As for a laptop, if you buy a cheap one, make sure you also buy an external hard drive. I am running out of room on my laptop for my pics and digital scrap stuff, and it only has a fraction of my pictures on it. But external hard drives are only between one-two hundred and they can easily hold ALL your stuff.

TisforTonya said...

I do love the blog design.
I'm no computer guru - when my wifi goes on the fritz I have to call smart family members until someone has time to help me :)

I've been debating the laptop issue lately - since the computer in my room is slower than molasses in January!!!

Renee said...

Cute background on your blog - where did you find it? Chat with Kyle about laptops and maybe Paul can get you a cheaper one. Thanks for the shout out on the invites - we would love to see you do a little digital here and there!!! It really is helpful for some things!

The Gibsons said...

Computer problems stink. I am going to defrag mine this weekend and see if that helps. Good luck. I love your new photos. They are adorable. When I was scrolling through templates I saw a template that I knew you would love and then when I check your blog you have the exact one I thought you would like. Too funny.