Monday, August 4, 2008


Today was Makenna's 2 week check up, yep 2 weeks. I can hardly believe that my sweet little princess is two weeks old already. I just don't want it to pass, and seems that it is just going to to fast!!
She weighed in at 9 pounds 4 ounces, and she was 22 inches long, and of course perfect as can be!! I am just so in love with her, everyone is really, no one can get enough of her. She is consistently being kissed and hugged and held!
I splurged my first time ever, and I had a professional photographer come on Tuesday and take pictures of Makenna, she was so amazing I cant believe all the little ticks she had to keep her happy and asleep while she took pictures, she had these tiny little angel wings, oh my gosh it was so stinkin cute, I can hardly wait till I can see them, she said it takes 2 weeks, but she would put a sneek peek on her blog but its not up yet I will let you know, but I'm so torcherd by having to wait that long.
Ok I'm just going to go ahead and admit it, I'm totally crazy I have lost all thoughts of reason, its crazy, but I will let you in on my crazy secret, I don't know if I'm really done having kids, I mean I know that I said I was and really I did think that I was, but since she is here, I don't know anymore she is just the most amazing thing ever and honestly I don't know if I could not do it again!! The thing is I know that I couldn't do it if it wasn't for my most amazing wonderful awesome husband, he is the most amazing daddy ever!!! He helps me so much, I am so blessed! So there you have it I'm crazy!!


Kasi said...

YOU ARE NUTS!!! But a good nuts! Wow, I don't know how you do it! She's only 2 weeks old and you're thinking about another one?! I am not even in the ballpark of being ready to even THINK about another one! Please let me in on your secrets because I think I am losing my mind...

Sarah said...

I am laughing!! You are definitely my craziest friend I have...and you know we have some crazy friends! :) But, when someone loves being a mom as much as you do and does as good of a job as you do, it only makes sense for you to have a lot of kids. I just thought that 7 was a lot. Just kidding...Sarah