Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Babe!!

It is my sweet husbands birthday today, and I know I'm getting his list posted late, but hopefully its still his birthday when it actually posts!! LOL So here goes;

The 43 things I love about you!!

1. You wanted to kiss me as soon as we met!!
2. You loved me from the beginning!!
3. You love our kids as much as I do!!
4. You never think of yourself!!
5. You always think of me first!!
6. You moved us to Hawaii, just for me!!!
7. You are so tender with our babies!!
8. You get so much joy taking our kids out camping!!
9. You make my heart beat a little faster!!
10. You have a great BUTT!!
11. You have a never ending supply of patience!!
12. you treat me like a princess!!
13. You love me no matter how mad I make you!!
14. you would give me the moon if you could!!
15. You look great in wranglers!!
16. Your blue eyes!!
17. You love Heavenly father!!
18. You and I have an eternity to be together!!
19. You have the priesthood!!
20. You honor your priesthood!!
21. You keep us all on track!!
22. You keep going even when it gets hard!!
23. Even when it seems like there is no work out there, you keep looking until you find some!!
24. your an amazing lover!! (I felt kinda naughty saying that)
25. you support me no matter what!!
26. you never mind, in fact you think its great when we have girls night!!
27. You loved me even when I was fat!!
28. You remind me its OK to be human, and eat something yummy when I want to!!
29. you always tell me how great I look!!
30. You never complain when I try to feed you low fat!!
31. You never complain even when dinner is gross, you just kindly suggest maybe we don't eat this again!!
32. You support me through all my running!!
33. You delivered almost all our babies!!
34. When you wink at me!!
35. You love your momma!!
36. You think of your dad all the time!!
37. Family is very important to you!!
38. You want to give the kids everything they want, but you don't!! (that's even harder)
39. I love how when you kiss me you kinda bite my lower lip!! (sorry TMI)
40. Your always willing to take the kids with you, even though it slows you down!!
41. You happy with who you are, and what you do!!
42. I love that you don't care that our babies sleep with us!!
43. You are mine!!
I hope you understand I have the most amazing man in the whole world. He would do whatever he had to for us. I love you my darling with my whole heart and soul. I love you!! I love our life. You make it all worth living, I love being with you, and I never get sick of being by your side. You are one amazing man, I feel so blessed to know that we have forever to be together!! All my love forever Jennifer!!
P.S. One more I forgot, and which I posted this picture for, You make my leg pop!! (from princess diaries)

1 comment:

Renee said...

You do have a good husband - I respect Randy very much! Happy Birthday young man!!